Video: Man Trapped in Pool During Earthquake in Taiwan

Video: Man Trapped in Pool During Earthquake in Taiwan. Photo and video: Twitter @rawsalerts
Video: Man Trapped in Pool During Earthquake in Taiwan. Photo and video: Twitter @rawsalerts

In a dramatic event that shook Taipei, Taiwan, a powerful 7.5 magnitude earthquake was captured in new footage, showing an individual swimming in a pool just as the tremors hit the city.

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The video shows the pool water violently churning, with large splashes, as the swimmer struggles to stay afloat amidst the chaos.

+ Video shows animals sensing danger before earthquake hits Taiwan

The earthquake, which shook the Taiwanese capital, triggered dozens of aftershocks, resulting in the collapse of several buildings. The impacts of the earthquake extended beyond Taiwan, with tsunami alerts issued for surrounding areas, including Okinawa in Japan and the Philippines.

Despite the devastating scope of the earthquake and subsequent tsunamis, all alerts have since been lifted. So far, at least 50 injuries have been reported, and authorities warn that the number of injured could rise as rescue operations continue.

Photo and video: Twitter @rawsalerts

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